Your support can make a real difference in the lives of people with disabilities. Please contact your representatives today.
We’re urging our local leaders to support vital services for people with disabilities. Here are the key points:
- Increase funding for Independent Living Centers (ILCs) by $2 million, ensuring they keep pace with rising costs like other human service providers.
- Boost funding for Access to Home to $4 million, helping more people with disabilities live independently.
- Protect the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program from proposed cuts, safeguarding essential services for those in need.
Call Your Legislator Today!
Governor Hochul
- Assemblyman Karl Brabenec
518-455-5991 - Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther
518-455-5355 - Assemblyman Jonathan Jacobson
845-455-5762 - Assemblyman Christopher Eachus
- Senator James Skoufis
518-455-3290 - Senator Rob Rolison

Take Action!
Urge your local legislators to support vital services for people with disabilities!
Access your Script with NYAIL’s Action Alert.
- Independent Living Center funding: We are strongly advocating that ILCs receive $2 million and be included in the human services cost of living adjustment (COLA). The work of ILCs continues to be underfunded and is aligned with that of other human service and disability providers receiving a COLA. ILCs compete in the same labor market, and have the same difficulty in recruiting and retaining staff.
- Access to Home funding: We are close to securing an increase to Access to Home in the state budget. The Assembly proposed restoring funding for Access to Home, while the Senate proposed a $1 million increase. The Governor proposed dropping funding to only $1 million statewide, but we have an opportunity to increase funding to $4 million with your support.
- Protecting the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program: We need to continue the support to reject cuts to the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance program proposed in the Governor’s 30-day amendments and cuts to wage parity.